Wednesday, July 12
In keeping with my theme of knitting and the federal government, I had jury duty yesterday which I viewed as a knitting opportunity. I didn't attempt to talk my way into the courthouse with yarn and pointy sticks - yes, the airlines accept them but the security at the courthouse separates the line into men and "ladies" and I didn't want to challenge THAT system. I brought an Anne Perry and a stack of reports from work; in addition, there was Oprah loudly on the TV. There weren't any court cases being heard so we all got dismissed at 12N. I had to get up way earlier to make the 1hr drive to the courthouse than I do on a regular work day when all I face is a 10-minute walk. But I didn't go back to work . . .
I went to the yarn store. Nana's Knitting is "on the way home" on 95th St. in Oak Lawn. I am very anxious to explore my new-found interest in two-color knitting, Norwegian sweaters, and Scandinavian designs. There is a decoration on the store's front window that made me think I could pick Tricia's brain or walk away with a pattern for the yarn that I bought at the "other" yarn store I visit. Walking away with a pattern would have been too easy: we found a book on Fair Isle and a pattern using Paton's DK. So I picked Tricia's brain. She has plenty left - she's a very smart lady. She pointed out that my 15 skeins, 85 yds/skein, of various colors is not enough for a sweater and tried really hard to get me to do a fair isle poncho thing. Boo hoo. I ended up buying the Handy Book of Patterns to make a vest - no sleeves, no assembly. I will pick my own designs, calculating the number of stitches in the bodice and knit in the round. We had a great time talking about it.
I have a pamphlet of Scandinavian winter wear (hats, mittens and gloves, and apres ski boots - slippers). There are some good possibilities for patterns to follow. I have this already:

I went to the yarn store. Nana's Knitting is "on the way home" on 95th St. in Oak Lawn. I am very anxious to explore my new-found interest in two-color knitting, Norwegian sweaters, and Scandinavian designs. There is a decoration on the store's front window that made me think I could pick Tricia's brain or walk away with a pattern for the yarn that I bought at the "other" yarn store I visit. Walking away with a pattern would have been too easy: we found a book on Fair Isle and a pattern using Paton's DK. So I picked Tricia's brain. She has plenty left - she's a very smart lady. She pointed out that my 15 skeins, 85 yds/skein, of various colors is not enough for a sweater and tried really hard to get me to do a fair isle poncho thing. Boo hoo. I ended up buying the Handy Book of Patterns to make a vest - no sleeves, no assembly. I will pick my own designs, calculating the number of stitches in the bodice and knit in the round. We had a great time talking about it.
I have a pamphlet of Scandinavian winter wear (hats, mittens and gloves, and apres ski boots - slippers). There are some good possibilities for patterns to follow. I have this already: