Tuesday, May 5

Join the crowd

I succumbed, relented, gave in. I made a Lady February sweater. Only one of 5502 projects of such on Ravelry (as of 5:59, 5/5/09).

This was junk food. I couldn't resist and I couldn't stop. Knit in one piece (hooray), garter stitch with a little excitement of M1 pm M1 on the right side, then a 4-row, 7-stitch repeat until morning. But wait; there's drama.

I didn't have enough yarn. Tried to finish off the sleeves to an acceptable length with alternate garter stitch stripes of a reasonable facsimile. Boo. Bad color match and too short. No pictures.

Found yarn, frugally bought the carefully estimated minimum - we could be in the next greatest depression after all - then seem to have lost one skein. Boo.

Decided the body really would benefit from a trip to the frog pond so that the gull stitch would.line.up. Markers! Every 7 stitches! Wonder tools! The Baby February should meet the same fate.

Found yarn again, from the same vendor on eBay, bought all that was on offer. Finished this sucker off - body a little longer and sleeves below the elbow.

Bought short-sleeved t-shirts to accessorize.

If I had it to do over again, I would cut out that abherrent stripe of maroon. I thought I would see it in every skein but only sometimes. And on the right-side knit, I would purl the band as well. I like the side of the band where the garter is all one color.

Ella Rae, Palermo, better part of 10 skeins, size 8 circ and dpn. Loopy Yarns in Chicago and Needleworks in Champaign-Urbana.

It's prettier in person - even the aberrant stripe looks like it belongs.
You are my hero....my Elizabeth Zimmerman....the wind beneath my wings :)

It is beautiful!
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